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Wednesday, January 25, 2006

A Trip to Jalan Pasar

Yesterday the Group members (Tong Jiun, Jin Yang, I), Evans and Yuk Jiun took a trip down to Jalan Pasar after recommendation by Dr.Jaga that we could get all of the components we need to make the IC there as it is the centre for all electrical and electronic parts. Since class ended at 12pm yesterday, we had out lunch and took a train up to Jalan Pasar and indeed there are alot of electric and electronic stores along the whole street. It's abit like Lowyat Plaza for tech gadgets. After visiting a few shops, we found the shop that sells all the components that is needed for the IC Project.

Electronic components that are sold in the shop.

That's us picking out the wires for the IC Project.

After spending some time there we got:
1x Bread Board
2x Amplifier IC
2x OR Gate IC
2x AND Gate IC
2x 470 ohm Resistor
2x Transistor
3x Switch
2x Battery Holder
2m Wires

Parts that we bought.

The Logic Gate ICs.

Tomorrow we would be using the EE Lab to carry out experiments on whether the IC is working with the current circuit plans. Once everything is finalized and the IC is working, I will post the Circuit Plans on the blog.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

The Digital Logic

Today, Mushtak's class for Communication, IT and Laboratory Skills is replaced by an experiment conducted by Mr.Jaga to help us understand the IC even more. Other than the method suggested which is using an Amplification IC, other types of IC such as the Logic Gate IC could be used as well. We conducted tests on various Logic Gate IC's such as the logic function AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR and combining several Logic Functions to observe the results. From the tests, The truth table can be formed. The two logic levels in binary logic circuits can be described as two voltage ranges, "zero" and "one", or "high" and "low" (Wikipedia, 2006).

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With the various choices of IC now available, a discussion will be held tomorrow to decide on which IC to be used for the project.

The tutor IC Board used to conduct the experiment

With voltage measured as "high" the binary logic can be defined as 1

Group members (Myself, Jin Yang, Tong Jiun) working on the IC Board.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Personal Planning Chart

On Thursday (12/1), After the final briefing on our IC project by Mushtak before leaving for a 2 week leave, The group members (Jin Yang, Tong Jiun & I) gathered for a discussion to decide on the Personal Planning Chart so that all duties and schedule for each step to complete the project is planned out systematically. After a discussion held in the library after class, The PPC is finalized and uploaded into the website and will be update as the project is in progress.

Saturday, January 14, 2006


Welcome to my Communication, IT, and Laboratory Skills blog. I'm a student of the Electrical & Electronic Engineering course in Taylors College, Malaysia. The main goal for setting up this blog is to update on a project handed to us by our lecturer, Mr.Musthak. In this project, we will be working in a group to create a model of an integrated circuit. An integrated circuit is defined as an electronic circuit on a small piece of semiconducting material, performing the same function as a larger circuit of discrete components. The end product of the project would be a Dummy IC which is "working" as there will be a real IC hidden inside the Dummy IC with it's legs connected to the legs of the Dummy IC which will be made from conductor material. Tests will be made on the Dummy IC to show that it is operational as the real IC. Part of the Dummy IC will be exposed as well to illustrate the parts and workings of the inside of an IC for further understanding on how an IC works.

Example of an IC